마마 카지노

I am exhausted with my housework.

2005-09-19     경상일보
(Sunny is talking with her friend.)

(써니는 친구와 이야기하고 있다. )

Sunny : How was your holidays?

써니 : 명절은 어땠어?

Friend : I am so exhausted with my housework.

친구 : 난 집안 일 때문에 녹초가 다 되었다.

Sunny : When did you come back from your family-in- law?

써니 : 시댁에서 언제 왔어?

Friend : Yesterday, I wanted to drink coffee alone. Because I had served a lot of visitors at the in-law's.

친구 : 어제, 혼자서 커피 한잔하고 싶어서. 시댁에서 많은 손님들을 접대를 했거던.

Sunny : It is natural because you are the first daughter-in-law. Most of daughters-in-law in Koreas are very tired.

써니 : 네가 맏며느리니까 당연하지. 한국에서 대부분의 며느리들이 무진장 피곤하잖아.

Friend : Aren't you tired with your housework?

친구 : 집안 일 때문에 피곤하지 않아.